Have You Seen OurGeorgiaRoots.com?

We think you will love the website/blog Our Georgia Roots (www.ourgeorgiaroots.com), which has a rich collection of records, images, links and resources for African American genealogy in general, and Washington and Wilkes Counties in GA in particular.

Our Georgia Roots has harnessed the latest technology tools to create a beautiful site that is easy to navigate and rich in resources.

One of our favorite features of Our Georgia Roots is Wordless Wednesday, where stunning images from the 1800's speak for themselves.

Most notable of the Wordless Wednesday posts is hundreds of images of Wilkes County, GA estate inventories, which list African Americans who were enslaved in Wilkes County.

If your family research leads you to Georgia, Our Georgia Roots is a great place to begin.

If you are hoping to build a genealogy website of your own, Our Georgia Roots is an ingenious example of how to harness the latest free technologies to create a feature-rich, beautiful and easy to navigate website.

You can visit Our Georgia Roots at http://www.ourgeorgiaroots.com.

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